Add config option to move web admin location

For security reasons I would like to change the default web admin url /admin.
This can easily be done by renaming /var/www/html/admin and editing lighttpd config, of course.
But this will break pihole -up with Error: Web Admin repo is missing from system!.

Maybe this coud be solved by a config option to set web admin location?

Changing the path is just security by obscurity, which is not secure. That being said, in the future with the new web interface and API, it may be possible to change the path. However, even if it's possible it may not be recommended.

Ok. Looing forward to testing the new web interface.

I wonder why won't you recommend changing the default admin login url on a publicly accessible web service?
Sure it's no real security improvement, but it makes it a lot harder for those scanning my servers and looking for default login urls.

Your interface shouldn't be publicly accessible.


And neither should port 53!


Indeed this interface should never be publicly accessible, but there are other use cases for setting a custom web URI. For example when using a reverse HTTPS proxy server for multiple services and you want to separate them by URI for example: