503 Service Not Available after Buster upgrade

Upgraded to the latest PiHole after warning that Raspbian 9 was no longer supported.
Followed instructions to update Pi to Buster.

After reboot it seems the PiHole is in fact running DNS queries etc but the Web Admin/GUI is not coming up and is replaced with a 503 Service Not Available error.

Followed a raft of similar topics and none of them have resolved the problem so diagnostic uploaded here

Tried pihole -r several times with reboots and no change. PHP and lightspeed appear to be installed and working without errors.

If I have to reimage the SD card to start over, is there a way to retrieve current configuration without access to the GUI ?

Perhaps not all of them. Your DHCP server is providing a second DNS that is not Pi-hole. Clients with more than one DHCP server are free to use any of them at any time, and having Cloudflare as your second DNS allows some DNS traffic to bypass Pi-hole.


You can save the current configuration with a teleporter export. On your new install, go through the web admin GUI to retrieve the configuration.

pihole -a -h

Usage: pihole -a [options]
Example: pihole -a -p password
Set options for the Admin Console

  -p, password                    Set Admin Console password
  -c, celsius                     Set Celsius as preferred temperature unit
  -f, fahrenheit                  Set Fahrenheit as preferred temperature unit
  -k, kelvin                      Set Kelvin as preferred temperature unit
  -e, email                       Set an administrative contact address for the Block Page
  -h, --help                      Show this help dialog
  -i, interface                   Specify dnsmasq's interface listening behavior
  -l, privacylevel                Set privacy level (0 = lowest, 3 = highest)
  -t, teleporter                  Backup configuration as an archive
  -t, teleporter myname.tar.gz    Backup configuration to archive with name myname.tar.gz as specified

I assumed that they call dns in order so if pihole is down dns will come from cloudflare.

I did find out how to export the configuration and scp it back to my machine so I reimaged the sd card and reinstalled pihole then restored the configuration.

All good now so no idea what was broken. Sorry folks looking for an answer this is probably the quickest solution back to running.

That's not the way it works on most clients.

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