403 Forbidden on Fresh Install

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

Display dashboard or admin webpage

Actual Behaviour:

Error 403 - Forbidden on admin web page

Debug Token:


None of the previous posts and solutions gave me a hint to the resolution in my specific case.

Thank you in advance for your help

Try below:

One of your setup variables is INSTALL_WEB_SERVER=false . Was this itentional? If not, then run pihole -r and select reconfigure and follow the steps to installl it.

Your debug log shows that your gravity list is empty. Is that intentional - you don't subscribe to any block lists? If not, you can also change this during a reconfigure.

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Recently updated dietpi. Looks like this messed up lighthttp. uninstalled and ran PiHole -r et voila all good.

Thanks for your support

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